Marijuana in the NFL

There are so many different aspects of the Marijuana argument out there to discuss. Topics that come to my mind at first are…..

-Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses

-Money $$$$

-Health Effects and Risks

-Effects of Legalization


-Gateway Drug?

-Side Effects

-Compared to Alcohol

-Drug Related Violence

and so many more to take into consideration! These topics are interwoven into one big debate, that is causing a plummeting cloud of smoke over America. (pun intended)

For this post, I’d like to consider some of the health benefits that marijuana has been claimed to provide. Take a look at these former NFL players view of the “drug.”

For more NFL interviews, visit and search, “marijuana HBO sports.”

Marijuana Moms


Being drug, alcohol, and tobacco free is probably the best way to live your life. However, a lot of people choose to indulge in some sort of vice. I thought it was nice to see a group of women, who may usually be seen with cocktails or other alcoholic beverages in their hands, choose a different form of indulgence. They seem to be perfectly happy, intelligent, and haven’t mentioned any negative aspects to their Marijuana use.

Just something to think about….
