10 Facts about Marijuana

Below is a link to 10 facts about Marijuana.

We are generally lead to believe that Marijuana has harsh effects on the brain and body- and can lead to use of harder drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines. Reading the link below may surprise you!


Each fact is baked up with credible resources.

..oops, did I say baked up instead of backed up?? More MJ puns 🙂

In my opinion, Marijuana has been advertised and stigmatized as a much scarier substance than it’s actuality. Using Marijuana is a personal choice, and I respect the decision to abstain from using Marijuana as well as other medications/stimulants/depressants/intoxicants. However, as studies reveal fewer harsh consequences or risks produced from the drug than originally depicted, it seems logical that Marijuana should be a substance that is legally available to those who wish to use it, especially when compared to legal substances like alcohol and tobacco.

Think about it, and the economic benefits to a market of Marijuana in the United States… (I’ll save that discussion for another time.)

Marijuana Moms


Being drug, alcohol, and tobacco free is probably the best way to live your life. However, a lot of people choose to indulge in some sort of vice. I thought it was nice to see a group of women, who may usually be seen with cocktails or other alcoholic beverages in their hands, choose a different form of indulgence. They seem to be perfectly happy, intelligent, and haven’t mentioned any negative aspects to their Marijuana use.

Just something to think about….
